Source code for polynomials_on_simplices.generic_tools.code_generation_utils

Utilities for generating code.

[docs]class CodeWriter: """ Class used to generate formatted text, i.e. text with control of indentation and scope. Useful for generating code. """ def __init__(self): self.indent_depth = int() self.code = str() self.scope = list() self.reset() self.indent = " " self.scope_delimiter = "::"
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset code writer.""" self.indent_depth = 0 self.code = "" self.scope = []
[docs] def empty(self): """Check if anything has been written.""" return self.code == ""
[docs] def print_trace(self, message=""): """Insert debug information into code. Useful for tracing the origin of the code.""" import inspect frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back func = frame.f_code fmt = "// Python debug: %s(%s): %s()" values = (func.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, func.co_name) my_string = fmt % values self.wl(my_string) if message != "": self.wl("// Python debug msg: \'" + message + "\'")
[docs] def inc_indent(self): """Increase indent depth.""" self.indent_depth += 1
[docs] def dec_indent(self): """Decrease indent depth.""" self.indent_depth -= 1
[docs] def wl(self, string): """Write a line of code.""" if string != "" or not _contains_only_spaces(self.indent): self.el("")
[docs] def bl(self, string): """Begin a line of code.""" self.code += self.indent_depth * self.indent self.code += string
[docs] def al(self, string): """Append code to the current line.""" self.code += string
[docs] def el(self, string): """Append code to the current line and end line.""" self.code += string + "\n"
[docs] def ws(self): """Output current scope.""" self.code += self.get_scope()
[docs] def wc(self, string): """Write several lines of code.""" # Ignore final line break if string[-1] == "\n": string = string[:-1] for line in string.split("\n"): self.wl(line)
[docs] def verbatim(self, string): """Write code verbatim.""" self.code += string
[docs] def get_scope(self): """Get current scope.""" out = "" for scope in self.scope: out += scope + self.scope_delimiter return out
[docs] def pop_first_line(self): """Pop and return first line from code.""" result = self.code.partition("\n") self.code = result[2] return result[0]
[docs] def count_num_lines(self): """ Count number of lines in the code. :return: Number of lines in the code. """ if self.code == "": return 0 return self.code.count("\n") + 1
[docs] def push_scope(self, scope_name): """Push scope.""" self.scope.append(scope_name)
[docs] def pop_scope(self): """Pop scope.""" return self.scope.pop()
def _contains_only_spaces(string): """ Check if a string contains only whitespaces. :param string: String to check. :return: True/False whether or not the string contains only whitespaces. """ return string.replace(' ', '') == ""