Source code for polynomials_on_simplices.generic_tools.package_utils

"""Extensions to the standard library pkgutil module."""

import os
from pathlib import Path
import pkgutil
import sys

[docs]def subpackage_paths(package_path, absolute_path=True): """ Yield the path of each subpackage in a package. :param str package_path: Path to the package we want to investigate. :param bool absolute_path: Whether or not yielded paths should be absolute or relative to the package path. :return: Path to each subpackage in the package. :rtype: Iterator[str] """ sys.path.append(package_path) for finder, name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages([package_path]): if is_pkg: path = os.path.join(package_path, name.replace('.', os.path.sep)) if absolute_path: yield path else: yield os.path.relpath(path, package_path)
[docs]def submodules(package_path): """ Yield each submodule in a package. :param str package_path: Path to the package we want to investigate. :return: Relative import path to each submodule in the package. :rtype: Iterator[str] """ for submodule_path in submodule_paths(package_path, absolute_path=False): yield submodule_path.replace(os.path.sep, '.').replace('.py', '')
[docs]def submodule_paths(package_path, absolute_path=True): """ Yield the path of each submodule in a package. :param str package_path: Path to the package we want to investigate. :param bool absolute_path: Whether or not yielded paths should be absolute or relative to the package path. :return: Path to each submodule in the package. :rtype: Iterator[str] """ sys.path.append(package_path) for finder, name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages([package_path]): if not is_pkg: path = os.path.join(package_path, name.replace('.', os.path.sep) + ".py") if absolute_path: yield path else: yield os.path.relpath(path, package_path)
[docs]def source_file_paths(package_path, absolute_path=True, exclude_test_files=False, include_hidden_files=False, include_private_files=False): """ Yield the path of each Python source file (files ending with '.py') in a package. :param package_path: Path to the package we want to investigate. :param str package_path: Path to the package we want to investigate. :param bool absolute_path: Whether or not yielded paths should be absolute or relative to the package path. :param bool exclude_test_files: Whether or not to exclude unit test files. A file is considered a test file if it ends with '' or '' and resides in a folder called 'test'. :param bool include_hidden_files: Whether or not to include hidden source files in the package (files starting with '.' or residing in a directory starting with '.'). :param bool include_private_files: Whether or not to include private source files in the package (files starting with '_'). :return: Path to each source file in the package. :rtype: Iterator[str] """ for dirpath, dirnames, filesnames in os.walk(package_path): if not include_hidden_files: filesnames = [f for f in filesnames if not f[0] == '.'] dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not d[0] == '.'] if not include_private_files: filesnames = [f for f in filesnames if not f[0] == '_' or f[0:2] == '__'] for filename in filesnames: if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == ".py": source_file = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) if exclude_test_files and _is_test_file(source_file): continue if absolute_path: yield source_file else: yield os.path.relpath(source_file, package_path)
def _is_test_file(filename): if (filename.endswith("") and Path(filename)[-1] == "test"): return True if (filename.endswith("") and Path(filename)[-1] == "test"): return True return False