Source code for polynomials_on_simplices.geometry.mesh.basic_meshes.triangle_meshes

"""Triangulated geometries."""

import numpy as np

from polynomials_on_simplices.algebra.multiindex import MultiIndexIterator, general_to_exact_norm

[docs]def rectangle_triangulation(width_resolution=2, height_resolution=2): """ Create a triangulation of a rectangle. :param width_resolution: Number of vertices along the width of the rectangle. :param height_resolution: Number of vertices along the height of the rectangle. :returns: n by 3 list of triangles. """ assert width_resolution > 1 and height_resolution > 1 num_triangles = 2 * (width_resolution - 1) * (height_resolution - 1) triangles = np.empty((num_triangles, 3), dtype=int) idx = 0 for i in range(height_resolution - 1): for j in range(width_resolution - 1): triangles[idx][0] = i * width_resolution + j triangles[idx][1] = i * width_resolution + j + 1 triangles[idx][2] = (i + 1) * width_resolution + j idx += 1 triangles[idx][0] = i * width_resolution + j + 1 triangles[idx][1] = (i + 1) * width_resolution + j + 1 triangles[idx][2] = (i + 1) * width_resolution + j idx += 1 return triangles
[docs]def rectangle_vertices(width, height, width_resolution=2, height_resolution=2): """ Create the vertices of a rectangle in the xy-plane centered in the origin, and with edges aligned with the x- and y-axis. :param width: Width of the rectangle. :param height: Height of the rectangle. :param width_resolution: Number of vertices along the width of the rectangle. :param height_resolution: Number of vertices along the height of the rectangle. :returns: n by 3 list of vertices. """ assert width_resolution > 1 and height_resolution > 1 num_vertices = width_resolution * height_resolution vertices = np.empty((num_vertices, 3)) idx = 0 for i in range(height_resolution): s = i / (height_resolution - 1) y = (1 - s) * -height / 2 + s * height / 2 for j in range(width_resolution): t = j / (width_resolution - 1) x = (1 - t) * -width / 2 + t * width / 2 vertices[idx][0] = x vertices[idx][1] = y vertices[idx][2] = 0 idx += 1 return vertices
[docs]def unit_square_vertices(width_resolution=2, height_resolution=2): """ Create the vertices of the unit square in the xy-plane. :param width_resolution: Number of vertices along the width of the unit square. :param height_resolution: Number of vertices along the height of the unit square. :returns: n by 3 list of vertices. """ assert width_resolution > 1 and height_resolution > 1 num_vertices = width_resolution * height_resolution vertices = np.empty((num_vertices, 3)) idx = 0 for i in range(height_resolution): s = i / (height_resolution - 1) y = s for j in range(width_resolution): t = j / (width_resolution - 1) x = t vertices[idx][0] = x vertices[idx][1] = y vertices[idx][2] = 0 idx += 1 return vertices
[docs]def disc_triangulation(angular_resolution=20, radial_resolution=2): """ Create a triangulation of a disc. :param angular_resolution: Number of vertices in the triangulation, going around the disc. :param radial_resolution: Number of vertices in the triangulation, from the center of the disc to the perimeter. :returns: n by 3 list of triangles. """ if angular_resolution < 3: raise ValueError("Angular resolution need to be greater than or equal to three") if radial_resolution < 2: raise ValueError("Radial resolution need to be greater than or equal to two") num_triangles = angular_resolution + 2 * (radial_resolution - 2) * angular_resolution triangles = np.empty((num_triangles, 3), dtype=int) # Add triangles around the center vertex for i in range(angular_resolution): triangles[i][0] = 0 triangles[i][1] = 1 + i triangles[i][2] = 1 + (i + 1) % angular_resolution # Add triangles outwards if radial_resolution > 2: triangles[angular_resolution:] = annulus_triangulation(angular_resolution, radial_resolution - 1) # Offset the triangles to take the center vertex into account offset_triangulation_vertices(triangles[angular_resolution:], 1) return triangles
[docs]def annulus_triangulation(angular_resolution, radial_resolution): """ Create a triangulation of an annulus. :param angular_resolution: Number of vertices in the triangulation, going around the annulus. :param radial_resolution: Number of vertices in the triangulation, from the inner perimeter to the outer perimeter. :returns: n by 3 list of triangles. """ if angular_resolution < 3: raise ValueError("Angular resolution need to be greater than or equal to three") if radial_resolution < 2: raise ValueError("Radial resolution need to be greater than or equal to two") num_triangles = 2 * (radial_resolution - 1) * angular_resolution triangles = np.empty((num_triangles, 3), dtype=int) # Add triangles for each ring idx = 0 for i in range(radial_resolution - 1): for j in range(angular_resolution): triangles[idx][0] = i * angular_resolution + j triangles[idx][1] = (i + 1) * angular_resolution + j triangles[idx][2] = (i + 1) * angular_resolution + (j + 1) % angular_resolution idx += 1 triangles[idx][0] = i * angular_resolution + j triangles[idx][1] = (i + 1) * angular_resolution + (j + 1) % angular_resolution triangles[idx][2] = i * angular_resolution + (j + 1) % angular_resolution idx += 1 return triangles
[docs]def triangle_triangulation(edge_resolution): """ Create a triangulation of a triangle. :param edge_resolution: Number of vertices along each edge of the triangle. :return: n by 3 list of triangles. """ num_triangles = (edge_resolution - 1)**2 triangles = np.empty((num_triangles, 3), dtype=int) idx = 0 from polynomials_on_simplices.algebra.multiindex import MultiIndexIterator, norm for mi in MultiIndexIterator(2, edge_resolution - 1): if norm(mi) < edge_resolution - 1: # Index of current vertex and the vertex one row up i0 = (2 * edge_resolution - mi[1] + 1) / 2 * mi[1] + mi[0] i1 = (2 * edge_resolution - (mi[1] + 1) + 1) / 2 * (mi[1] + 1) + mi[0] triangles[idx][0] = i0 triangles[idx][1] = i0 + 1 triangles[idx][2] = i1 idx += 1 if norm(mi) < edge_resolution - 2: triangles[idx][0] = i0 + 1 triangles[idx][1] = i1 + 1 triangles[idx][2] = i1 idx += 1 return triangles
[docs]def triangle_vertices(width=1.0, height=1.0, edge_resolution=3): """ Create the vertices of a triangle in the xy-plane with corners in (0, 0), (width, 0) and (0, height). :param width: 'Width' of the triangle. :param height: 'Height' of the triangle. :param edge_resolution: Number of vertices along each edge of the triangle. :return: n by 3 list of vertices. """ num_vertices = int(edge_resolution * (edge_resolution + 1) / 2) vertices = np.empty((num_vertices, 3)) idx = 0 for row in range(edge_resolution): y = (row / (edge_resolution - 1)) * height for col in range(edge_resolution - row): x = (col / (edge_resolution - 1)) * width vertices[idx] = np.array([x, y, 0.0]) idx += 1 return vertices
[docs]def equilateral_triangle_vertices(edge_length=1.0, edge_resolution=3): """ Create the vertices of an equilateral triangle in the xy-plane with two corners along the x-axis and the third corner in the first quadrant. :param edge_length: Length of each edge in the triangle. :param edge_resolution: Number of vertices along each edge of the triangle. :return: n by 3 list of vertices. """ num_vertices = int(edge_resolution * (edge_resolution + 1) / 2) vertices = np.empty((num_vertices, 3)) width = edge_length height = np.sqrt(3) / 2 * edge_length idx = 0 for row in range(edge_resolution): y = (row / (edge_resolution - 1)) * height for col in range(edge_resolution - row): x = (col / (edge_resolution - 1)) * width + row * width / (edge_resolution - 1) / 2 vertices[idx] = np.array([x, y, 0.0]) idx += 1 return vertices
[docs]def general_triangle_vertices(tri_vertices, edge_resolution=3): """ Create the vertices of a triangle defined by its three vertices. :param tri_vertices: The three vertices of the triangle. :param edge_resolution: Number of vertices along each edge of the triangle. :return: n by 3 or n by 2 list of vertices (depending on the shape of the input triangle vertices). """ if not isinstance(tri_vertices, np.ndarray): tri_vertices = np.array(tri_vertices) dim = tri_vertices.shape[1] num_vertices = int(edge_resolution * (edge_resolution + 1) / 2) vertices = np.empty((num_vertices, dim)) idx = 0 for row in range(edge_resolution): w = row / (edge_resolution - 1) for col in range(edge_resolution - row): v = col / (edge_resolution - 1) u = 1 - v - w vertices[idx] = u * tri_vertices[0] + v * tri_vertices[1] + w * tri_vertices[2] idx += 1 return vertices
[docs]def triangle_mesh_triangulation(original_triangles, edge_resolution): """ Create a triangulation of a triangle mesh, where each original triangle is subdivided with the given number of vertices along each edge. :param original_triangles: Triangle mesh to be subdivided. :param edge_resolution: Number of vertices along each edge in the original triangle mesh. :return: n by 3 list of triangles. """ from python_math_library.finite_element.lagrange import generate_local_to_global_map num_triangle_triangles = (edge_resolution - 1)**2 num_triangles = len(original_triangles) * num_triangle_triangles triangles = np.empty((num_triangles, 3), dtype=int) local_to_global_map, _ = generate_local_to_global_map(original_triangles, edge_resolution - 1) general_triangle_triangles = triangle_triangulation(edge_resolution) for i in range(len(original_triangles)): triangle_triangles = np.copy(general_triangle_triangles) local_vi = 0 for mi in MultiIndexIterator(2, edge_resolution - 1): global_vi = local_to_global_map(i, tuple(mi)) for j in range(len(triangle_triangles)): for k in range(3): if general_triangle_triangles[j][k] == local_vi: triangle_triangles[j][k] = global_vi local_vi += 1 triangles[i * num_triangle_triangles:(i + 1) * num_triangle_triangles, :] = triangle_triangles return triangles
[docs]def triangle_mesh_vertices(original_triangles, original_vertices, edge_resolution): """ Create the vertices of a triangle mesh, where each original triangle is subdivided with the given number of vertices along each edge. :param original_triangles: Triangle mesh to be subdivided. :param original_vertices: Vertices in the original triangle mesh. :param edge_resolution: Number of vertices along each edge in the original triangle mesh. :return: n by 3 list of vertices. """ from python_math_library.finite_element.lagrange import generate_local_to_global_map dim = len(original_vertices[0]) local_to_global_map, num_dofs = generate_local_to_global_map(original_triangles, edge_resolution - 1) vertices = np.empty((num_dofs, dim)) vertex_evaluated = np.zeros(num_dofs) for i in range(len(original_triangles)): for mi in MultiIndexIterator(2, edge_resolution - 1): global_vi = local_to_global_map(i, tuple(mi)) if vertex_evaluated[global_vi]: continue mi_exact = general_to_exact_norm(mi, edge_resolution - 1) v = np.zeros(dim) for j in range(3): v += mi_exact[j] * original_vertices[original_triangles[i][j]] v /= (edge_resolution - 1) vertices[global_vi, :] = v vertex_evaluated[global_vi] = 1 return vertices
[docs]def offset_triangulation_vertices(triangles, offset): """ Offset the index of each vertex in a triangulation. The triangles list is modified in-place. :param triangles: n by 3 list of indexed triangles which will be edited. :param offset: Offset for each vertex index. """ for triangle in triangles: for j in range(3): triangle[j] += offset return triangles