Source code for polynomials_on_simplices.geometry.mesh.simplicial_complex

"""Calculations on a simplicial complex."""

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

from polynomials_on_simplices.algebra.permutations import construct_permutation, construct_permutation_general, sign

[docs]def simplex_boundary(simplex): """ Compute the boundary simplices of a simplex. :param simplex: Simplex defined by a list of vertex indices. :type simplex: List[int] :return: List of boundary simplices. :rtype: :class:`Numpy array <numpy.ndarray>` of ints. .. rubric:: Examples >>> simplex_boundary([0, 1, 2]) array([[1, 2], [2, 0], [0, 1]]) >>> simplex_boundary([0, 1, 2, 3]) array([[1, 2, 3], [0, 3, 2], [0, 1, 3], [0, 2, 1]]) >>> simplex_boundary([0, 1, 12, 4]) array([[ 1, 12, 4], [ 0, 4, 12], [ 0, 1, 4], [ 0, 12, 1]]) """ # Special handling of vertices if len(simplex) == 1: return np.array([]) boundary_simplices = np.empty((len(simplex), len(simplex) - 1), dtype=int) for i in range(len(simplex)): boundary_simplex = np.delete(simplex, i) if i % 2 == 1 and len(boundary_simplex) > 1: boundary_simplex[-1], boundary_simplex[-2] = boundary_simplex[-2], boundary_simplex[-1] boundary_simplices[i] = boundary_simplex return boundary_simplices
[docs]def simplex_boundary_map(simplex): """ Compute the (k-1)-chain which is the boundary of the given k-simplex. :param simplex: Simplex defined by a list of vertex indices. :type simplex: List[int] :return: Boundary chain (pair of two arrays, the first containing the boundary simplices and the second containing the chain coefficients). """ # Special handling of vertices if len(simplex) == 1: return np.array([]), 0 boundary_simplices = np.empty((len(simplex), len(simplex) - 1), dtype=int) coefficients = np.empty(len(simplex), dtype=int) for i in range(len(simplex)): boundary_simplices[i] = np.delete(simplex, i) coefficients[i] = (-1)**i return boundary_simplices, coefficients
[docs]def simplex_sub_simplices(simplex, include_self=True): """ Get the set of all sub simplices of a simplex. :param simplex: Simplex defined by a list of vertex indices. :type simplex: List[int] :param bool include_self: Whether or not to include the simplex itself in the set of sub simplices. :return: Set of sub simplices, where each sub simplex is defined by a tuple of sorted vertex indices. :rtype: Set[Tuple[int]] .. rubric:: Examples >>> simplex_sub_simplices([0, 1, 2]) {(1, 2), (0, 1), (0,), (1,), (0, 1, 2), (2,), (0, 2)} >>> simplex_sub_simplices([0, 1, 2], include_self=False) {(1, 2), (0, 1), (0,), (1,), (2,), (0, 2)} """ sub_simplices = set() if include_self: sub_simplices.add(tuple(sorted(simplex))) if len(simplex) > 1: for boundary_simplex in simplex_boundary(simplex): nested_sub_simplices = simplex_sub_simplices(boundary_simplex) sub_simplices = sub_simplices.union(nested_sub_simplices) return sub_simplices
[docs]def simplex_sub_simplices_fixed_dimension(simplex, k): """ Get the set of all k-dimensional sub simplices of a simplex T. :param simplex: Simplex T defined by a list of vertex indices. :type simplex: List[int] :param int k: Dimension of the sub simplices (in 0, 1, ..., dim(T)). :return: Set of sub simplices, where each sub simplex is defined by a tuple of sorted vertex indices. :rtype: Set[Tuple[int]] .. rubric:: Examples >>> simplex_sub_simplices_fixed_dimension([0, 1, 2], 0) {(2,), (0,), (1,)} >>> simplex_sub_simplices_fixed_dimension([0, 1, 2], 1) {(1, 2), (0, 1), (0, 2)} """ assert k >= 0 assert k <= simplex_dimension(simplex) sub_simplices = {sub_simplex for sub_simplex in simplex_sub_simplices(simplex) if simplex_dimension(sub_simplex) == k} return sub_simplices
[docs]def opposite_sub_simplex(simplex, sub_simplex): """ Get the opposite sub simplex of a given sub simplex in a simplex. The opposite sub simplex of a sub simplex f in a simplex T is the simplex consisting of all the vertices of T not in f. :param simplex: Simplex defined by a list of vertex indices. :type simplex: List[int] :param sub_simplex: Sub simplex defined by a list of vertex indices. :type sub_simplex: List[int] :return: Opposite sub simplex defined by a list of vertex indices. :rtype: List[int] .. rubric:: Examples >>> opposite_sub_simplex([0, 1, 2], [1]) [0, 2] >>> opposite_sub_simplex([0, 1, 2], [0, 1]) [2] >>> opposite_sub_simplex([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]) [] """ assert(i in simplex for i in sub_simplex) opposite = [] for i in simplex: if i not in sub_simplex: opposite.append(i) return opposite
[docs]def simplex_dimension(simplex): """ Get the dimension of a simplex. :param simplex: Simplex defined by a list of vertex indices. :type simplex: List[int] :return: Dimension of the simplex. """ return len(simplex) - 1
[docs]def num_simplex_vertices(n): """ Get the number of vertices in an n-dimensional simplex. :param n: Dimension of the simplex. :return: Number of vertices of an n-dimensional simplex. """ return n + 1
[docs]def num_simplex_boundary_simplices(n): """ Get the number of boundary simplices of an n-dimensional simplex. :param n: Dimension of the simplex. :return: Number of boundary simplices. .. rubric:: Examples >>> num_simplex_boundary_simplices(2) 3 >>> num_simplex_boundary_simplices(3) 4 """ return n + 1
[docs]def boundary(simplices): """ Compute the boundary simplices of a simplicial complex. .. note:: Assumes that the simplicial complex is a manifold (with boundary), i.e., each boundary simplex is shared by at most two simplices in the complex. :param simplices: Simplicial complex (list of list of vertex indices for each simplex in the complex). :return: List of list of boundary simplices. .. rubric:: Examples >>> boundary([[0, 1, 2], [1, 3, 2]]) array([[2, 0], [0, 1], [3, 2], [1, 3]]) >>> boundary([[0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 2, 3]]) array([[0, 3, 2], [0, 1, 3], [0, 2, 1], [4, 2, 3], [1, 4, 3], [1, 2, 4]]) """ # Set of boundary simplices, with vertex indices sorted boundary_set = set() # Dictionary mapping sorted boundary simplices to the original boundary simplex, and its ordering number boundary_dictionary = {} idx = 0 for simplex in simplices: for bs in simplex_boundary(simplex): sbs = tuple(sorted(bs)) if sbs in boundary_set: # Simplex occurs twice, so it's not a boundary simplex boundary_set.remove(sbs) boundary_dictionary.pop(sbs) else: # Simplex not in the boundary set, so it's a potential boundary simplex boundary_set.add(sbs) boundary_dictionary[sbs] = (bs, idx) idx += 1 sorted_boundary_simplices = sorted(boundary_dictionary.values(), key=lambda bsi: bsi[1]) boundary_list = np.array([bsi[0] for bsi in sorted_boundary_simplices], dtype=int) return boundary_list
[docs]def boundary_map_matrix(simplices, k): r""" Compute the matrix representation of the boundary map :math:`\mathcal{C}^k \to \mathcal{C}^{k-1}` for the given simplicial complex. :param simplices: Simplicial complex. Multi-array where the k:th entry contains an inner array with all k-dimensional simplices in the simplicial complex. :param k: Determines which boundary map we want to compute the matrix representation of. :return: Matrix representation of the boundary map (scipy sparse matrix in coordinate format (coo_matrix). """ # Create simplex to index map (maps a (k-1)-simplex to its index in the # list of (k-1)-simplices in the simplicial complex simplices) simplex_to_index_map = {} for i in range(len(simplices[k - 1])): simplex_to_index_map[tuple(sorted(simplices[k - 1][i]))] = i row = [] col = [] data = [] for j in range(len(simplices[k])): boundary_chain = simplex_boundary_map(simplices[k][j]) for bs, a in zip(boundary_chain[0], boundary_chain[1]): # Compute orientation of boundary simplex with respect to the simplex in the simplicial complex i = simplex_to_index_map[tuple(sorted(bs))] permutation = construct_permutation_general(tuple(simplices[k - 1][i]), tuple(bs)) data.append(sign(permutation) * a) row.append(i) col.append(j) return coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(len(simplices[k - 1]), len(simplices[k])))
[docs]def simplex_vertices(simplex, vertex_list): """ Get the vertices of a simplex. :param simplex: Simplex defined by a list of vertex indices. :type simplex: List[int] :param vertex_list: List of vertices in the simplicial complex. :return: List of vertices in the simplex. """ # Dimension of the embedding try: dim = len(vertex_list[0]) except TypeError: dim = 1 # Number of vertices of the simplex n = len(simplex) p = np.zeros((n, dim)) for j in range(n): p[j] = vertex_list[simplex[j]] return p
[docs]def simplex_boundary_orientation(simplex, boundary_simplex): """ Compute the orientation of a boundary simplex of the given simplex. :param simplex: Simplex defined by a list of vertex indices. :type simplex: List[int] :param boundary_simplex: Boundary sub simplex (list of vertex indices). :return: Orientation of the boundary simplex (-1/1). .. rubric:: Examples >>> simplex_boundary_orientation([0, 1, 2], [0, 1]) 1 >>> simplex_boundary_orientation([0, 1, 2], [1, 0]) -1 """ assert len(boundary_simplex) + 1 == len(simplex) if not isinstance(boundary_simplex, list): boundary_simplex = list(boundary_simplex) # Find given boundary simplex in the simplex boundary b = _find_boundary_simplex(simplex, boundary_simplex) if b is None: raise ValueError("Boundary simplex is not in the boundary of the given simplex") # Construct permutation which maps the given boundary simplex to the simplex in the boundary substitution_map = list(zip(sorted(boundary_simplex), range(len(boundary_simplex)))) b = _substitute_vertex_indices(b, substitution_map) boundary_simplex = _substitute_vertex_indices(boundary_simplex, substitution_map) p = construct_permutation(boundary_simplex, b, len(simplex)) return sign(p)
[docs]def swap_simplex_orientation(simplex): """ Swap orientation of a simplex. :param simplex: Simplex defined by a list of vertex indices. :type simplex: List[int] :return: Same simplex but with opposite orientation. """ opposite_simplex = np.copy(simplex) opposite_simplex[-1], opposite_simplex[-2] = opposite_simplex[-2], opposite_simplex[-1] return opposite_simplex
[docs]def swap_orientation(simplices): """ Swap orientation for all simplices in a simplicial complex. :param simplices: Simplicial complex (list of list of vertex indices for each simplex in the complex). Modified in place. """ for i in range(len(simplices)): simplices[i] = swap_simplex_orientation(simplices[i])
def _find_boundary_simplex(simplex, boundary_simplex): """ Search for simplex in the boundary of a simplex which contains the same vertices as the given boundary simplex. :param simplex: Simplex defined by a list of vertex indices. :type simplex: List[int] :param boundary_simplex: Simplex to look for in the boundary (list of vertex indices). :return: Boundary simplex (list of vertex indices), or None if no matching boundary simplex was found. """ for b in simplex_boundary(simplex).tolist(): equal = True for i in range(len(b)): if b[i] not in boundary_simplex: equal = False break if equal: return b return None def _substitute_vertex_indices(simplex, substitution_map): """ Substitute all indices in a simplex according to the given substitution map. :param simplex: Simplex defined by a list of vertex indices. :type simplex: List[int] :param substitution_map: List of (old value, new value) tuples. :return: Simplex with indices substituted (list of vertex indices). .. rubric:: Examples >>> _substitute_vertex_indices([3, 5, 2], [(3, 4), (5, 3)]) [4, 3, 2] """ updated_simplex = list(simplex) for old_value, new_value in substitution_map: for n, v in enumerate(simplex): if v == old_value: updated_simplex[n] = new_value break return updated_simplex if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()