Source code for polynomials_on_simplices.linalg.rotation

"""Basic functionality for rotations."""

import numpy as np

from polynomials_on_simplices.calculus.angle import compute_angle, orthogonal_vector
from polynomials_on_simplices.calculus.real_interval import constrain_to_range
from polynomials_on_simplices.probability_theory.uniform_sampling import nsphere_surface_sampling

[docs]def hat(w): r""" Get the skew-symmetric matrix :math:`\hat{\omega}` corresponding to a rotation vector :math:`\omega`, i.e., the matrix :math:`\hat{\omega}` such that .. math:: \hat{\omega} v = \omega \times v, \, \forall v \in \mathbb{R}^3. Commonly referred to as the "hat" map. :param w: Euler vector (rotation vector). :return: Equivalent skew-symmetric matrix (:math:`\hat{\omega}`). """ hat_w = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=type(w[0])) hat_w[0][1] = -w[2] hat_w[0][2] = w[1] hat_w[1][2] = -w[0] hat_w[1][0] = -hat_w[0][1] hat_w[2][0] = -hat_w[0][2] hat_w[2][1] = -hat_w[1][2] return hat_w
[docs]def rodrigues_formula(v, k, cost, sint): r""" Rotate a vector in :math:`\mathbb{R}^3` using Rodrigues' formula. :param v: Vector to be rotated. :param k: Unit vector describing the axis of rotation. :param cost: Cosine of the rotation angle. :param sint: Sine of the rotation angle. :return: Rotated vector. """ # This formula is only valid for unit vectors k assert np.abs(np.linalg.norm(k) - 1.0) < 1e-10 # Rodrigues' formula return v * cost + np.cross(k, v) * sint + k *, v) * (1 - cost)
[docs]def rodrigues_formula_matrix(k, cost, sint): """ Compute a rotation matrix from a rotation axis and cosine and sine values of the rotation angle using the matrix form of Rodrigues' formula. :param k: Unit vector describing the axis of rotation. :param cost: Cosine of the rotation angle. :param sint: Sine of the rotation angle. :return: Rotation matrix (3 by 3 Numpy array). """ # This formula is only valid for unit vectors k assert np.abs(np.linalg.norm(k) - 1.0) < 1e-10 return np.identity(3) * cost + sint * hat(k) + (1 - cost) * np.outer(k, k)
[docs]def axis_angle_to_rotation_matrix(axis, angle): """ Convert an axis-angle representation of a rotation (exponential coordinates) to the corresponding rotation matrix. :param axis: Rotation axis (unit vector). :param angle: Rotation angle. :return: Rotation matrix (orthogonal matrix). """ # Just to be sure axis /= np.linalg.norm(axis) cost = np.cos(angle) sint = np.sin(angle) # Rodrigues' formula return rodrigues_formula_matrix(axis, cost, sint)
[docs]def rotation_matrix_to_axis_angle(R): r""" Convert a rotation matrix to the axis-angle representation (exponential coordinates). :param R: Rotation matrix (orthogonal matrix). :return: Tuple of an axis (3d vector) and an angle (scalar in the range :math:`[0, \pi]`). """ t = np.trace(R) axis = np.array([R[2, 1] - R[1, 2], R[0, 2] - R[2, 0], R[1, 0] - R[0, 1]]) if abs(t - 3.0) < 1e-14: # Corner case 1: identity matrix an = np.linalg.norm(axis) if an > 0.0: return axis / an, 0.5 * an return np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), 0.0 if abs(t + 1.0) < 1e-10: # Corner case 2: rotation angle ~= pi an = np.linalg.norm(axis) if abs(an) < 1e-14: # Eigenvector corresponding to the one positive (= 1) eigenvalue is always parallel to R[:, i] + e_i # = R[i, :] + e_i # However it could happen that R[:, i] + e_i = 0. To avoid this we choose i = arg max(R[i, i]). # Then R[i, i] need to be greater than -1, otherwise tr(R) cannot be -1, and hence R[:, i] + e_i != 0 i = np.argmax(np.diag(R)) axis = R[:, i] axis[i] += 1 axis /= np.linalg.norm(axis) return axis, np.pi else: # Absolute value of the components of the rotation axis extracted from the diagonal elements of R # Formula extracted from Rodrigues' formula by Taylor expansion of cos(theta) around theta = pi aa0 = np.sqrt(0.5 * (R[0][0] + 1.0)) aa1 = np.sqrt(0.5 * (R[1][1] + 1.0)) aa2 = np.sqrt(0.5 * (R[2][2] + 1.0)) a0 = np.sign(axis[0]) * aa0 a1 = np.sign(axis[1]) * aa1 a2 = np.sign(axis[2]) * aa2 return np.array([a0, a1, a2]), np.pi - 0.5 * an axis /= np.linalg.norm(axis) angle = np.arccos(constrain_to_range((t - 1) / 2.0, -1.0, 1.0)) return axis, angle
[docs]def random_rotation_matrix_2(): """ Generate a random 2d rotation matrix. :return: Rotation matrix (orthogonal matrix). """ theta = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand() cos_theta = np.cos(theta) sin_theta = np.sin(theta) return np.array([ [cos_theta, -sin_theta], [sin_theta, cos_theta] ])
[docs]def random_rotation_matrix_3(): """ Generate a random 3d rotation matrix. :return: Rotation matrix (orthogonal matrix). """ # See R = np.zeros((3, 3)) # Compute random 2 x 2 matrix R[0:2, 0:2] = random_rotation_matrix_2() R[2, 2] = 1.0 # Compute random point on the unit sphere v = nsphere_surface_sampling(3, 1)[0] # Rotate R so that its third column aligns with v axis, angle = compute_rotation(R[:, 2], v) R = rotate(axis, angle, R) return R
[docs]def rotate(axis, angle, v): """ Rotate a vector or a set of vectors a specified angle around an axis. :param axis: Axis to rotate around (unit vector). :param angle: Angle to rotate (in radians). :param v: Vector(s) to rotate (specified as columns in a matrix). :return: Rotated vector(s). """ # Create rotation matrix from axis-angle representation R = axis_angle_to_rotation_matrix(axis, angle) # Rotate vector v_rot =, v) return v_rot
[docs]def compute_rotation(v0, v1): """ Compute the rotation in axis-angle representation which would transform one vector into another, while keeping orthogonal vectors fixed. :param v0: Initial vector (unit vector). :param v1: Final vector (unit vector). :return: Tuple of an axis (3d vector) and an angle (scalar). """ # Compute rotation axis axis = np.cross(v0, v1) if, axis) == 0: # Handle corner case when the two vectors are parallel if, v1) > 0: return np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), 0.0 else: axis = orthogonal_vector(v0) axis /= np.linalg.norm(axis) angle = np.pi return axis, angle axis /= np.linalg.norm(axis) # Compute angle angle = compute_angle(v0, v1) return axis, angle