Source code for polynomials_on_simplices.polynomial.code_generation.generate_barycentric_polynomial_functions_simplex

Functionality for generating Python code used to evaluate barycentric polynomials.

from polynomials_on_simplices.algebra.multiindex import generate_all, norm
from polynomials_on_simplices.generic_tools.code_generation_utils import CodeWriter
from polynomials_on_simplices.generic_tools.str_utils import (
    split_long_str, str_dot_product, str_exponent, str_multi_product, str_multi_sum, str_number, str_product,
from polynomials_on_simplices.polynomial.code_generation.generate_polynomial_functions import (
    generate_docstring, generate_function_specific_name)
from polynomials_on_simplices.polynomial.polynomials_base import get_dimension

[docs]def generate_function_general(m, r): r""" Generate code for evaluating a general degree r barycentric polynomial on the m-dimensional unit simplex. .. math:: p(x) = \sum_{i = 0}^{\dim(\mathcal{P}_r(\Delta_c^m)) - 1} a_{\nu_i} x^{\nu} (1 - |x|)^{r - |\nu|}, where :math:`\nu_i` is the i:th multi-index in the sequence of all multi-indices of dimension m with norm :math:`\leq r` (see :func:`polynomials_on_simplices.algebra.multiindex.generate` function). :param int m: Dimension of the domain of the polynomial. :param int r: Degree of the polynomial space. :return: Python code for evaluating the polynomial :rtype: str """ code = CodeWriter() code.wl("def barycentric_polynomial_" + str(m) + str(r) + "(a, x):") code.inc_indent() latex_str = _generate_barycentric_polynomial_latex_str(m, r) code.wc(generate_docstring(m, r, "barycentric", latex_str)) coeff_strs = str_sequence("a", get_dimension(r, m), indexing='c', index_style="list") code.wc(_generate_function_body_scalar_valued(m, r, coeff_strs)) code.dec_indent() return code.code
[docs]def generate_function_specific(m, r, a): r""" Generate code for evaluating the degree r barycentric polynomial on the m-dimensional unit simplex with given basis coefficients a. .. math:: p(x) = \sum_{i = 0}^{\dim(\mathcal{P}_r(\Delta_c^m)) - 1} a_{\nu_i} x^{\nu} (1 - |x|)^{r - |\nu|}, where :math:`\nu_i` is the i:th multi-index in the sequence of all multi-indices of dimension m with norm :math:`\leq r` (see :func:`polynomials_on_simplices.algebra.multiindex.generate` function). :param int m: Dimension of the domain of the polynomial. :param int r: Degree of the polynomial space. :param a: Coefficients for the polynomial in the barycentric basis for :math:`\mathcal{P}_r (\Delta_c^m)`. :math:`\text{a}[i] = a_{\nu_i}`, where :math:`\nu_i` is the i:th multi-index in the sequence of all multi-indices of dimension m with norm :math:`\leq r` (see :func:`polynomials_on_simplices.algebra.multiindex.generate` function). :type a: Union[Iterable[float], Iterable[n-dimensional vector]] :return: Python code for evaluating the polynomial :rtype: str """ code = CodeWriter() fn_name = "eval_barycentric_polynomial_" + str(m) + str(r) + '_' + generate_function_specific_name(a) code.wl("def " + fn_name + "(x):") code.inc_indent() code.wc(_generate_function_body(m, r, a)) code.dec_indent() return code.code, fn_name
[docs]def generate_barycentric_basis_fn(nu, r, str_type="python"): r""" Generate string representation for a barycentric basis polynomial on the m-dimensional unit simplex (:math:`\Delta_c^m`), :math:`p_{\nu, r} (x) = x^{\nu} (1 - |x|)^{r - |\nu|}`, where m is equal to the length of nu. :param nu: Multi-index indicating which barycentric basis polynomial should be generated. :type nu: int or :class:`~polynomials_on_simplices.algebra.multiindex.MultiIndex` or Tuple[int, ...] :param int r: Degree of polynomial. :param str_type: What kind of string should be generated. Can be either "python" or "latex". :return: Python code for evaluating the barycentric base polynomial as specified by nu and r. :rtype: str .. rubric:: Examples >>> generate_barycentric_basis_fn(1, 2) 'x * (1 - x)' >>> generate_barycentric_basis_fn((1, 1), 3) 'x[0] * x[1] * (1 - x[0] - x[1])' >>> generate_barycentric_basis_fn((1, 1), 3, str_type="latex") 'x_1 x_2 (1 - x_1 - x_2)' """ try: m = len(nu) if m == 1: nu = nu[0] except TypeError: m = 1 if str_type == "python": multiplication_character = "*" else: multiplication_character = "" if m == 1: # x**nu * (1 - x)**(r - nu) p1 = str_exponent("x", str_number(nu), str_type) p2 = str_exponent("(1 - x)", str_number(r - nu), str_type) return str_product(p1, p2, multiplication_character) else: # x1**nu[0] * x2**nu[1] * ... * (1 - x1 - x2 - ...)**(r - |nu|) if str_type == "python": variables = str_sequence("x", m, indexing="c", index_style="list") else: variables = str_sequence("x", m, index_style="latex_subscript") factors = [str_exponent(variables[i], str_number(nu[i]), str_type) for i in range(m)] p1 = str_multi_product(factors, multiplication_character) summands = ["-" + variables[i] for i in range(m)] summands = ["1"] + summands base = "(" + str_multi_sum(summands) + ")" exp = str_number(r - norm(nu)) p2 = str_exponent(base, exp, str_type) return str_product(p1, p2, multiplication_character)
[docs]def generate_barycentric_basis(m, r, str_type="python"): r""" Generate string representation for all barycentric base polynomials for the space :math:`\mathcal{P}_r(\Delta_c^m)`. :param int m: Dimension of the unit simplex. :param int r: Degree of the polynomial space. :param str_type: What kind of strings should be generated. Can be either "python" or "latex". :return: List of codes for evaluating each of the base polynomials. :rtype: List[str] """ basis = [] for mi in generate_all(m, r): basis.append(generate_barycentric_basis_fn(mi, r, str_type)) return basis
[docs]def generate_function_eval_specific_scalar_valued(m, r, a, prettify_coefficients=False): r""" Generate code for evaluating a specific scalar valued degree r polynomial on the m-dimensional unit simplex (:math:`\Delta_c^m`), expressed in the barycentric basis. .. math:: p_{\nu, r} : \Delta_c^m \to \mathbb{R}, p_{\nu, r}(x)=\sum_{i = 0}^{\dim(\mathcal{P}_r(\Delta_c^m)) - 1} a_{\nu_i} x^{\nu_i} (1 - |x|)^{r - |\nu_i|}, where :math:`\nu_i` is the i:th multi-index in the sequence of all multi-indices of dimension m with norm :math:`\leq r` (see :func:`polynomials_on_simplices.algebra.multiindex.generate` function). :param int m: Dimension of the unit simplex. :param int r: Degree of the polynomial space. :param a: Coefficients for the polynomial in the barycentric basis for :math:`\mathcal{P}_r (\Delta_c^m)`. :math:`\text{a}[i] = a_{\nu_i}`, where :math:`\nu_i` is the i:th multi-index in the sequence of all multi-indices of dimension m with norm :math:`\leq r` (see :func:`polynomials_on_simplices.algebra.multiindex.generate` function). :type a: Iterable[float] :param bool prettify_coefficients: Whether or not coefficients in the a array should be prettified in the generated code (e.g. converting 0.25 -> 1 / 4). :return: Python code for evaluating the barycentric base polynomial as specified by m, r and a. :rtype: str """ if isinstance(a[0], str): coeff_strs = [c for c in a] else: coeff_strs = [str_number(c, prettify_fractions=prettify_coefficients) for c in a] basis_strs = generate_barycentric_basis(m, r) return str_dot_product(coeff_strs, basis_strs, multiplication_character="*")
[docs]def generate_function_eval_specific_vector_valued(m, r, a): r""" Generate code for evaluating a specific vector valued degree r polynomial on the m-dimensional unit simplex (:math:`\Delta_c^m`), expressed in the barycentric basis. .. math:: p_{\nu, r} : \Delta_c^m \to \mathbb{R}^n, n > 1, p_{\nu, r}(x)=\sum_{i = 0}^{\dim(\mathcal{P}_r(\Delta_c^m)) - 1} a_{\nu_i} x^{\nu_i} (1 - |x|)^{r - |\nu_i|}, where :math:`\nu_i` is the i:th multi-index in the sequence of all multi-indices of dimension m with norm :math:`\leq r` (see :func:`polynomials_on_simplices.algebra.multiindex.generate` function). :param int m: Dimension of the unit simplex. :param int r: Degree of the polynomial space. :param a: Coefficients for the polynomial in the barycentric basis for :math:`\mathcal{P}_r (\Delta_c^m)`. :math:`\text{a}[i] = a_{\nu_i}`, where :math:`\nu_i` is the i:th multi-index in the sequence of all multi-indices of dimension m with norm :math:`\leq r` (see :func:`polynomials_on_simplices.algebra.multiindex.generate` function). :type a: Iterable[n-dimensional vector] :return: Python code for evaluating the barycentric base polynomial as specified by m, r and a. :rtype: str """ code = "" code += "np.array([" code += generate_function_eval_specific_scalar_valued(m, r, a[:, 0]) for i in range(1, len(a[0])): code += ", " + generate_function_eval_specific_scalar_valued(m, r, a[:, i]) code += "])" return code
def _generate_barycentric_polynomial_latex_str(m, r): coeff_strs = str_sequence("a", get_dimension(r, m), indexing='c', index_style='latex_subscript') basis_strs = generate_barycentric_basis(m, r, str_type="latex") latex_str = str_dot_product(coeff_strs, basis_strs) parts = split_long_str(latex_str, "+", 100) latex_str = "\\\\\n&\\quad +".join(parts) return "b(x) = " + latex_str def _generate_function_body(m, r, a): try: len(a[0]) return _generate_function_body_vector_valued(m, r, a) except TypeError: return _generate_function_body_scalar_valued(m, r, a) def _generate_function_body_scalar_valued(m, r, a): code = generate_function_eval_specific_scalar_valued(m, r, a) if len(code) > 100: parts = split_long_str(code, " +", 100) multi_line = (len(parts) > 1) code = "\n +".join(parts) if multi_line: return "return (" + code + ")" else: return "return " + code return "return " + code def _generate_function_body_vector_valued(m, r, a): code = generate_function_eval_specific_vector_valued(m, r, a) if len(code) > 100: parts = split_long_str(code, ", ", 100) code = ",\n ".join(parts) return "return " + code if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()