Source code for polynomials_on_simplices.polynomial.polynomials_simplex_base

"""Abstract base class and basic functionality for polynomials defined on a simplex."""

import abc
import math
import numbers

import numpy as np

from polynomials_on_simplices.geometry.primitives.simplex import affine_map_from_unit, dimension
from polynomials_on_simplices.polynomial.polynomials_base import PolynomialBase, get_dimension
from polynomials_on_simplices.probability_theory.uniform_sampling import nsimplex_sampling

[docs]def polynomials_equal_on_simplex(p1, p2, r, vertices, rel_tol=1e-9, abs_tol=1e-7): r""" Check if two polynomials p1 and p2 are approximately equal by comparing their values on a given n-dimensional simplex T. For scalar valued polynomials, the two polynomials are considered equal if .. code-block:: python math.isclose(p1(xi), p2(xi), rel_tol=rel_tol, abs_tol=abs_tol) is true for a set of random points :math:`\{ x_i \}_{i = 0}^{d - 1}` in the given n-dimensional simplex T, where :math:`d` is the dimension of the polynomial space p1 and p2 belongs to (as given by the :func:`~polynomials_on_simplices.polynomial.polynomials_base.get_dimension` function). For vector valued polynomials the same check is done component wise. :param p1: First polynomial. :type p1: Callable p1(x) :param p2: Second polynomial. :type p2: Callable p2(x) :param int r: Degree of the polynomials. :param vertices: Vertices of the simplex T ((n + 1) x n matrix where row i contains the i:th vertex of the simplex). :param float rel_tol: Tolerance for the relative error. See :func:`math.isclose <python:math.isclose>` for details. :param float abs_tol: Tolerance for the absolute error. See :func:`math.isclose <python:math.isclose>` for details. :return: Whether or not the two polynomials are approximately equal. :rtype: bool """ # Note: This function takes callables as input instead of instances of the PolynomialBase abstract base class. # The reason for this is that the former is more general. It allows us to check for equality for callables # that supposedly are polynomials but doesn't implement the PolynomialBase interface. n = dimension(vertices) phi = affine_map_from_unit(vertices) # Generate random domain points where we should check for approximate equality dim = get_dimension(r, n) if n == 1: x_values = [phi(x[0]) for x in nsimplex_sampling(n, dim)] else: x_values = [phi(x) for x in nsimplex_sampling(n, dim)] # Check for approximate equality for the polynomial values at the random domain points for x in x_values: p = p1(x) q = p2(x) try: len(p) # Vector valued polynomials, check for component wise equality for i in range(len(p)): if not math.isclose(p[i], q[i], rel_tol=rel_tol, abs_tol=abs_tol): return False except TypeError: # Scalar valued polynomials if not math.isclose(p, q, rel_tol=rel_tol, abs_tol=abs_tol): return False return True
[docs]class PolynomialSimplexBase(PolynomialBase, abc.ABC): """ Abstract base class for a polynomial defined on an m-dimensional simplex T. """ def __init__(self, coeff, vertices, r=None): r""" :param coeff: Coefficients for the polynomial in the chosen basis for :math:`\mathcal{P}_r (T)` (see :meth:`~polynomials_on_simplices.polynomial.polynomials_base.PolynomialBase.basis`). If p is expressed in the chosen basis :math:`\{ b_{\nu, r} \}` as :math:`p(x) = \sum_{\nu} a_{\nu} b_{\nu, r}(x)` then :math:`\text{coeff}[i] = a_{\nu(i)}`, where :math:`\nu(i)` is the i:th multi-index in the sequence of all multi-indices of dimension m with norm :math:`\leq r` (see :func:`polynomials_on_simplices.algebra.multiindex.generate` function). Array of scalars for a scalar valued polynomial (n = 1) and array of n-dimensional vectors for a vector valued polynomial (:math:`n \geq 2`). :param vertices: Vertices of the simplex T ((m + 1) x m matrix where row i contains the i:th vertex of the simplex). :param int r: Degree of the polynomial space. Optional, will be inferred from the number of polynomial coefficients if not specified. """ m = len(vertices[0]) PolynomialBase.__init__(self, coeff, r, m) self.vertices = vertices def __getitem__(self, i): """ Get the i:th component of the polynomial (for a vector valued polynomial). :param int i: Component to get. :return: The i:th component of the vector valued polynomial (real valued polynomial). :rtype: Instance of self.__class__ """ assert i >= 0 assert i < self.target_dimension() if self.target_dimension() == 1: return self.__class__(self.coeff, self.vertices, self.r) else: return self.__class__(self.coeff[:, i], self.vertices, self.r) def __add__(self, other): """ Addition of this polynomial with another polynomial, self + other. :param other: Other polynomial. :return: Sum of the two polynomials. :rtype: Instance of self.__class__ """ # Added polynomials need to have the same domain and target dimension assert self.domain_dimension() == other.domain_dimension() assert self.target_dimension() == other.target_dimension() # For now require that both polynomials are expressed in the same basis. # If not we would need to transform them to some common basis, and what basis # this is would need to be specified by the user. assert self.basis() == other.basis() if == return self.__class__(self.coeff + other.coeff, self.vertices, self.r) if > return self + other.degree_elevate( else: return self.degree_elevate( + other def __sub__(self, other): """ Subtraction of this polynomial with another polynomial, self - other. :param other: Other polynomial. :return: Difference of the two polynomials. :rtype: Instance of self.__class__ """ # Subtracted polynomials need to have the same domain and target dimension assert self.domain_dimension() == other.domain_dimension() assert self.target_dimension() == other.target_dimension() # For now require that both polynomials are expressed in the same basis. # If not we would need to transform them to some common basis, and what basis # this is would need to be specified by the user. assert self.basis() == other.basis() if == return self.__class__(self.coeff - other.coeff, self.vertices, self.r) if > return self - other.degree_elevate( else: return self.degree_elevate( - other
[docs] def multiply_with_constant(self, c): """ Multiplication of this polynomial with a constant scalar or a vector (only for a scalar valued polynomial), self * c. :param c: Scalar or vector we should multiply this polynomial with. :type c: Union[float, :class:`Numpy array <numpy.ndarray>`] :return: Product of this polynomial with the constant. :rtype: Instance of self.__class__ """ if isinstance(c, numbers.Number): # Multiplication of the polynomial with a scalar return self.__class__(self.coeff * c, self.vertices, self.r) if isinstance(c, np.ndarray): # Multiplication of the polynomial with a vector # Can only multiply a scalar valued polynomials with a vector, to produce a vector valued polynomial assert self.n == 1 return self.__class__(np.outer(self.coeff, c), self.vertices, self.r) assert False # Unknown type for the constant c
def __truediv__(self, s): """ Division of this polynomial with a scalar, self / s. :param float s: Scalar to divide with. :return: Division of this polynomial with s. :rtype: Instance of self.__class__ """ # Only division by a scalar is implemented assert isinstance(s, numbers.Number) return self.__class__(self.coeff / s, self.vertices, self.r)
[docs] def simplex_vertices(self): """ Get the vertices of the simplex T on which this polynomial is defined. :return: Vertices of the simplex T ((m + 1) x m matrix where row i contains the i:th vertex of the simplex). """ return self.vertices