Source code for polynomials_on_simplices.probability_theory.uniform_sampling

"""Uniform sampling of random points in different geometries."""

import numpy as np

[docs]def closed_unit_interval_sample(): """ Generate a random number sampled from the uniform distribution over the closed unit interval [0, 1]. :return: Random number. """ x = np.random.rand() while x > 0.875: x = np.random.rand() # x is now a random number in the interval [0, 0.875] return x / 0.875
[docs]def open_unit_interval_sample(): """ Generate a random number sampled from the uniform distribution over the open unit interval (0, 1). :return: Random number. """ x = np.random.rand() while x <= 0.125: x = np.random.rand() # x is now a random number in the interval (0.125, 1) x -= 0.125 # x is now a random number in the interval (0, 0.875) return x / 0.875
[docs]def left_closed_interval_sample(): """ Generate a random number sampled from the uniform distribution over the left closed unit interval [0, 1). :return: Random number. """ return np.random.rand()
[docs]def right_closed_interval_sample(): """ Generate a random number sampled from the uniform distribution over the right closed unit interval (0, 1]. :return: Random number. """ x = np.random.rand() x *= -1 # x is now a random number in the interval (-1, 0] x += 1 return x
[docs]def unit_interval_sampling(num_points): """ Uniform random sampling of points in the unit interval [0, 1). :param num_points: Number of points to sample. :return: List of random points. """ return np.random.rand(num_points)
[docs]def closed_unit_interval_sampling(num_points): """ Uniform random sampling of points in the closed unit interval [0, 1]. :param num_points: Number of points to sample. :return: List of random points. """ points = np.empty(num_points) for i in range(num_points): points[i] = closed_unit_interval_sample() return points
[docs]def open_unit_interval_sampling(num_points): """ Uniform random sampling of points in the unit interval (0, 1). :param num_points: Number of points to sample. :return: List of random points. """ points = np.empty(num_points) for i in range(num_points): points[i] = open_unit_interval_sample() return points
[docs]def left_closed_unit_interval_sampling(num_points): """ Uniform random sampling of points in the unit interval [0, 1). :param num_points: Number of points to sample. :return: List of random points. """ return unit_interval_sampling(num_points)
[docs]def right_closed_unit_interval_sampling(num_points): """ Uniform random sampling of points in the unit interval (0, 1]. :param num_points: Number of points to sample. :return: List of random points. """ points = np.empty(num_points) for i in range(num_points): points[i] = right_closed_interval_sample() return points
[docs]def unit_square_sampling(num_points): """ Uniform random sampling of points in the unit square [0, 1) x [0, 1). :param num_points: Number of points to sample. :return: List of random points. """ xy = np.random.rand(2 * num_points) return np.reshape(xy, (-1, 2))
[docs]def unit_disc_sampling(num_points): r""" Uniform random sampling of points in the unit disc :math:`\{x \in \mathbb{R}^2 : \|x\| \leq 1\}`. :param num_points: Number of points to sample. :return: List of random points. """ sample_points = np.empty((num_points, 2)) accepted_samples = 0 while accepted_samples < num_points: # Rejection sampling. Sample in square [-1, 1]x[-1, 1] and reject the sample if it's norm is greater than one sample = np.random.rand(2) * 2 - 1 if not, sample) > 1: sample_points[accepted_samples] = sample accepted_samples += 1 return sample_points
[docs]def unit_circle_sampling(num_points): """ Uniform random sampling of points on the unit circle (:math:`S^1`). :param num_points: Number of points to sample. :return: List of random points. """ return nsphere_surface_sampling(2, num_points)
[docs]def ncube_sampling(n, num_points): r""" Uniform random sampling of points in the n-dimensional unit cube :math:`[0, 1)^n`. :param n: Dimension of cube. :param num_points: Number of points to sample. :return: List of random points. """ points = np.random.rand(n * num_points) return np.reshape(points, (num_points, n))
[docs]def nsphere_sampling(n, num_points): r""" Uniform random sampling of points in the n-dimensional unit sphere :math:`\{x \in \mathbb{R}^n : \|x\| \leq 1\}`. :param n: Dimension of sphere. :param num_points: Number of points to sample. :return: List of random points. """ sample_points = np.empty((num_points, n)) accepted_samples = 0 while accepted_samples < num_points: # Rejection sampling. Sample in unit cube and reject the sample if it's norm is greater than one sample = np.random.rand(n) * 2 - 1 if not, sample) > 1: sample_points[accepted_samples] = sample accepted_samples += 1 return sample_points
[docs]def nsphere_surface_sampling(n, num_points): r""" Uniform random sampling of points on the surface of the n-dimensional unit sphere (:math:`\partial B^n = S^{n-1}`). :param n: Dimension of sphere. :param num_points: Number of points to sample. :return: List of random points. """ # See (Muller 1959, Marsaglia 1972) sample_points = np.random.randn(num_points, n) for i in range(num_points): sample_points[i, :] /= np.linalg.norm(sample_points[i, :]) return sample_points
[docs]def nsimplex_sampling(n, num_points): """ Uniform random sampling of points inside the n-dimensional unit simplex. See :func:`polynomials_on_simplices.geometry.primitives.simplex.unit()`. :param n: Dimension of the simplex. :param num_points: Number of points to sample. :return: List of random points. """ sample_points = np.empty((num_points, n)) for i in range(num_points): sample_points[i] = ncube_sampling(n, 1)[0] while sum(sample_points[i]) > 1.0: sample_points[i] = ncube_sampling(n, 1)[0] return sample_points