Source code for polynomials_on_simplices.visualization.plot_triangles

"""Functionality for plotting triangles."""

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  # noqa  # Avoid warning about unused import (req. for 3d plots to work)
import numpy as np

from polynomials_on_simplices.visualization.plot_lines import plot_space_curve

[docs]def plot_triangle_mesh(triangles, vertices, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot a triangle mesh. :param triangles: The triangles in the mesh (num_triangles by 3 array of integers). :param vertices: The vertices in the mesh (num_vertices by [23] array of floats). :param args: Further arguments passed to the plot command. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments. 'fig': Figure to populate. A new figure will be generated if this argument is not given. Further keyword arguments are passed to the plot command. """ if vertices.shape[1] == 2: plot_triangle_mesh_2d(triangles, vertices, *args, **kwargs) else: plot_triangle_mesh_3d(triangles, vertices, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_triangle_mesh_2d(triangles, vertices, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot a triangle mesh. :param triangles: The triangles in the mesh (num_triangles by 3 array of integers). :param vertices: The vertices in the mesh (num_vertices by 2 array of floats). :param args: Further arguments passed to the plot command. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments. 'fig': Figure to populate. A new figure will be generated if this argument is not given. Further keyword arguments are passed to the plot command. """ fig = kwargs.pop("fig", None) unique = (fig is None) if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() c = np.zeros(len(vertices)) kwargs["figure"] = fig plt.tripcolor(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], triangles, c, *args, **kwargs) kwargs.pop("figure") kwargs["fig"] = fig plot_triangle_mesh_wireframe_2d(triangles, vertices, *args, **kwargs) if unique:
[docs]def plot_triangle_mesh_3d(triangles, vertices, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot a triangle mesh. :param triangles: The triangles in the mesh (num_triangles by 3 array of integers). :param vertices: The vertices in the mesh (num_vertices by 3 array of floats). :param args: Further arguments passed to the plot command. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments. 'fig': Figure to populate. A new figure will be generated if this argument is not given. Further keyword arguments are passed to the plot command. """ fig = kwargs.pop("fig", None) unique = (fig is None) if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.plot_trisurf(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], triangles, vertices[:, 2], *args, **kwargs) if unique:
[docs]def plot_triangle_mesh_wireframe(triangles, vertices, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot a triangle mesh as a wireframe. :param triangles: The triangles in the mesh (num_triangles by 3 array of integers). :param vertices: The vertices in the mesh (num_vertices by [23] array of floats). :param args: Further arguments passed to the plot command. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the plot command. """ if vertices.shape[1] == 2: plot_triangle_mesh_wireframe_2d(triangles, vertices, *args, **kwargs) else: plot_triangle_mesh_wireframe_3d(triangles, vertices, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_triangle_mesh_wireframe_2d(triangles, vertices, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot a triangle mesh as a wireframe. :param triangles: The triangles in the mesh (num_triangles by 3 array of integers). :param vertices: The vertices in the mesh (num_vertices by 2 array of floats). :param args: Further arguments passed to the plot command. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments. 'fig': Figure to populate. A new figure will be generated if this argument is not given. 'color': Color of the wireframe. Further keyword arguments are passed to the plot command. """ fig = kwargs.pop("fig", None) color = kwargs.pop("color", u'k') unique = (fig is None) if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() kwargs["figure"] = fig args = (color + '-',) + args plt.triplot(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], triangles, *args, **kwargs) if unique:
[docs]def plot_triangle_mesh_wireframe_3d(triangles, vertices, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot a triangle mesh as a wireframe. :param triangles: The triangles in the mesh (num_triangles by 3 array of integers). :param vertices: The vertices in the mesh (num_vertices by 3 array of floats). :param args: Further arguments passed to the plot command. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments. 'fig': Figure to populate. A new figure will be generated if this argument is not given. 'color': Color of the wireframe. Further keyword arguments are passed to the plot command. """ fig = kwargs.pop("fig", None) color = kwargs.pop("color", u'k') unique = (fig is None) if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() kwargs["fig"] = fig args += (color + '-',) for i in range(len(triangles)): for j in range(3): line_vertices = np.empty((2, 3)) v0 = triangles[i][j] v1 = triangles[i][(j + 1) % 3] line_vertices[0] = vertices[v0] line_vertices[1] = vertices[v1] plot_space_curve(line_vertices, *args, **kwargs) if unique: